/* Theme Name: jmais 1.0 Description: Responsivo Design Portal de Conteudo Version: 1.0 Author: Author URI: http://flexinfo.com.br/ Theme URI: License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Tags: white, black, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, full-width-template, theme-options, translation-ready */ @import url("css/reset.css"); @import url("css/shortcodes.css"); @import url("css/flexslider.css"); @import url("js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css"); /** * Table of Contents: * * 1. - Core * 2. - Header * 3. - Content * 4. - Sidebar * 5. - Footer * 6. - Media Queries * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * 1. Core * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #pop{position:absolute; z-index:1; top:50%; left:30%; margin-left:-80px; margin-top:-100px; padding:10px; border:0px solid #d0d0d0} body { background: #F2F2F2; color: #494949; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px; margin: 0; word-wrap: break-word; } #container { background: #FFFFFF; margin: 25px auto; overflow: hidden; padding: 10px; width: 1240px; } #main { float: left; } #main-content { float: left; margin: 20px; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: #494949; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight: 400; } h1 { font-size: 32px; line-height: 44px; margin: 0 0 20px 0; } h2 { font-size: 28px; line-height: 38px; margin: 0 0 20px 0; } h3 { font-size: 24px; line-height: 32px; margin: 0 0 15px 0; } h4 { font-size: 20px; line-height: 26px; margin: 0 0 15px 0; } h5 { font-size: 18px; line-height: 22px; margin: 0 0 10px 0; } h6 { font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; margin: 0 0 10px 0; } .single-content h6{color:#FFF;} ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; height: 15px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #eee; border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 2px rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.57); background: #233E5C; height: 30px; } a { color: #444444; text-decoration: none; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; } a:hover { color: #233E5C; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { } :focus { outline: none; } .left { float: left; } .right { float: right; } .center { clear: both; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .alignleft { float: left; } .alignright { float: right; } .aligncenter { clear: both; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } img.alignleft, img.alignright, img.aligncenter, img.alignnone { background: #FFFFFF; } img.alignleft { float: left; margin: 10px 25px 10px 0; } img.alignright { display: block; margin: 10px 0 25px 20px; } img.aligncenter { clear: both; display: block; margin: 10px auto; } img.alignnone { display: block; margin: 10px 0; } .clear { clear: both; display: block; font-size: 0; height: 0; line-height: 0; width:100%; } .hidden { display: none; } iframe, embed, img { height: auto; max-width: 100%; margin-bottom:25px; } ins iframe { height: 100%; } a img { border: none; } a > img { vertical-align: bottom; } p, pre, ul, ol, dl, dd, blockquote, address, table, fieldset, form { margin: 0 0 20px 0; } textarea { overflow: hidden; resize: vertical; width: 95%; } address { font-style: italic; } strong { font-weight: bold; } small { font-size: 11px; } sup { font-size: 11px; vertical-align: top; } sub { font-size: 11px; vertical-align: bottom; } em, dfn, cite { font-style: italic; } dfn { font-weight: bold; } del { text-decoration: line-through; } ins { text-decoration: underline; } abbr[title], acronym[title], dfn[title] { cursor: help; border-bottom: 1px dotted #666; } var, kbd, samp, code, pre { font-family: Consolas, "Andale Mono", Courier, "Courier New", monospace; font-size: 11px; line-height: 18px; } kbd { font-weight: bold; } samp, var { font-style: italic; } pre, code, tt { border: 1px solid #eee; color: #888888; display: block; font-size: 12px; padding: 20px; } ul, ol, dl { margin-left: 30px; padding: 0; } table { border: 0; border-width: 1px; line-height: 18px; margin: 0 0 20px 0; text-align: left; } table .even { background: #ddd; } caption { text-align: left; } tr { border: 0; } th, td { padding: 5px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; } blockquote { background: #eee; color: #888; font-style: italic; line-height: 22px; margin: 25px 20px 25px 35px; padding: 10px; } blockquote p { background: url("images/blockquote.png") no-repeat 0 2px; color: #999; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic; padding: 0 10px 0 25px; } .wp-caption { color: #999999; font-style: italic; margin: 10px 20px 10px 20px; text-align: center; } .wp-caption a { display: inline-block; } .wp-caption.aligncenter { margin: 20px auto; } .wp-caption.alignleft { margin-left: 0; } .wp-caption.alignright { margin-right: 0; } .wp-caption.alignnone { margin-left: 0; } .wp-caption img, .wp-caption img a { border: 0 none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .wp-caption, .wp-caption-text { margin: 0; padding: 5px; } .wp-smiley { max-height: 13px; margin: 0 !important; } .gallery { display: block; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; } .gallery-image { border: none; margin-left: 0; } .gallery-caption { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-style: italic; margin-left: 0; } .gallery-item { float: left; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } .gallery-item .gallery-caption { display: block; margin-bottom: 0 !important; text-align: center; } .gallery-item img { border: none ! important; margin: 0 7px !important; padding: 0 !important; } .gallery-item a { float: left; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; } .sticky { } .top-none{display:none;} .espaco{height:40px;} .empregos{background:#E6E7E8; float:left; width:200px; height:100px;margin-left:10px;text-align:left;padding-left:10px;} .concursos{background:#E6E7E8; float:left;width:200px; height:100px;margin-left:10px;text-align:left;padding-left:10px;} .trabalhe{background:#E6E7E8; float:right; width:200px; height:100px;margin-left:10px;text-align:left; padding-left:10px;} .empregos h1 a{font-size:28px; color:#718FC8; font-weight:bold;} .concursos h1 a{font-size:28px;color:#718FC8; font-weight:bold;} .trabalhe h1 a{font-size:28px;color:#718FC8; font-weight:bold;} .vagadestaque h1{margin-top:150px; font-size:28px;color:#718FC8; font-weight:bold;} .vagadestaque p{font-size:14px;} .vagadestaque-old h1{padding-top:150px; font-size:28px;color:#718FC8; font-weight:bold;} .vagadestaque-esq{float:left; width:310px;height:auto; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;} .vagadestaque-dir{float:right;width:310px;height:auto; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;} /** * 2. Header * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #header2{margin:0 auto; max-width:1170px;} #header { background: #233E5C; display: block; float: left; width: 100%; } #top-bar2{width:100%; background: #233E5C;} #top-bar { margin:0 auto; max-width:1170px; height: 30px; } #tempo{margin-left:25px;} /*** Breaking News ***/ #top-bar .news.left { float: left; height: 30px; width: 1000px; overflow: hidden; } .dataehora{float:left; color:#FFF; font-size:14px; } .breaking-news { overflow: hidden; } .breaking-news span { background: #233E5C; color: #FFFFFF; float: left; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; margin: 0 25px 0 0; padding: 5px 5px; } .simply-scroll { width: 100%; } .simply-scroll-container { position: relative; } .simply-scroll .simply-scroll-clip { line-height: 27px; height: 30px; max-width: 815px; width: 100%; } .simply-scroll-clip { float: left; margin: 0 40px 0 0; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .simply-scroll-list { list-style: none; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; } #scroller li { display: inline-block; list-style: none; margin: 0 10px; } .simply-scroll .simply-scroll-list li { float: left; max-width: 300px; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .simply-scroll .simply-scroll-list li a { font-size: 12px; } #scroller li .bnews-title { font-weight: bold; } .bnews a { color: #555E6B; } /*** Search Box ***/ #top-bar .search.right { float: right; height: 30px; width: 240px; } #top-bar .search #searchform { background: #F1F1F1; border: none; border-left: 1px solid #DDD; float: right; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px 0; width: 195px; } #top-bar #s { background: none; padding: 0 0px 0 15px; } /*** Logo ***/ #header .logo { float: left; margin: 25px 10px; max-width:380px; min-width: 90px; } #header .logo img { height: auto; margin: 0; max-width: 100%; } #header .logo h1 { font-size: 40px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 54px; margin: 0 0 0 0; text-transform: uppercase; } #header .logo h1 a { color: #233E5C; text-decoration: none; } #header .logo p { color: #727272; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; margin-bottom: 0; } /*** Header Ad ***/ .header-ad { float: right; height: 90px; margin: 25px 0; width: 728px; } /*** Primary Navigation ***/ #primary-navigation { background: #FF6600; display: inline-block; height: 30px; width: 100%; } #nav-menu { /*float: left;*/ margin: 0 auto; max-width:1170px; } .nav-menu { /*float: left;*/ margin: 0 auto; max-width:1170px; } #nav-menu select { border: 1px solid #eee; color: #494949; display: none; font-family: inherit; font-size: 14px; padding: 7px 7px; position: relative; height: 35px; z-index: 3000; } #nav-menu ul { float: left; line-height: 55px; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #nav-menu ul a { display: block; position: relative; } #nav-menu ul li { float: left; margin: 0; position: relative; z-index: 40; } #nav-menu ul ul { position: absolute; top: -9999em; width: 225px; } #nav-menu ul ul li { width: 100%; } #nav-menu ul li:hover ul, #nav-menu ul li.sfHover ul { border-bottom: 5px solid #233E5C; box-shadow: 5px 5px 4px 0px rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.2); left: -1px; margin: 0 0 0 0; position: absolute; top: 45px; } #nav-menu ul li:hover li ul, #nav-menu ul li.sfHover li ul, #nav-menu ul li li:hover li ul, #nav-menu ul li li.sfHover li ul, #nav-menu ul li li li:hover li ul, #nav-menu ul li li li.sfHover li ul { top: -9999em; } #nav-menu ul li li:hover ul, #nav-menu ul li li.sfHover ul, #nav-menu ul li li li:hover ul, #nav-menu ul li li li.sfHover ul, #nav-menu ul li li li li:hover ul, #nav-menu ul li li li li.sfHover ul { left: 221px; top: -1px; } #nav-menu ul li a { color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; padding: 7.5px 12px; text-decoration: none; } #nav-menu ul a:hover, #nav-menu ul li.sfHover > a:hover { background: #233E5C; } #nav-menu ul li.sfHover > a, #nav-menu ul li.current-cat > a, #nav-menu ul li.current_page_item > a, #nav-menu ul li.current-menu-item > a { background: #233E5C; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; } #nav-menu ul li.current-cat > a:hover, #nav-menu ul li.current_page_item > a:hover, #nav-menu ul li.current-menu-item > a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline; } #nav-menu ul ul { background: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #ebebeb; padding: 0; z-index: 9999; } #nav-menu ul ul li { background: none !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb; border-right: 0; border-top: 0 !important; float: none; line-height: 22px; } #nav-menu ul ul li:first-child { margin-top: 0; } #nav-menu ul ul li:last-child { border-bottom: none; } #nav-menu ul ul li a { color: #494949; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 7.5px; } #nav-menu ul ul li.current-cat > a, #nav-menu ul ul li.current_page_item > a, #nav-menu ul ul li.current-menu-item > a { border: none; color: #FFFFFF; } #nav-menu ul ul li a:hover { border: none; color: #FFFFFF; } /** * 3. Content * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #content { float: left; width: 660px; } .post-thumbnail { display: block; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .post-thumbnail a img { display: block; max-width: 100%; height: auto; width: 100%; } .post-thumbnail a:hover img { display: block; opacity: 0.7; width: 100%; } /** * 3.1 Blog Style * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** Blog Posts ***/ #content .blog-archives .blog-post { border: 1px solid #eee; float: left; height: 200px; margin: 0 0 30px 0; overflow: hidden; width: 659px; } .blog-archives .blog-post .post-thumbnail.video iframe { height: 190px; } .blog-archives .blog-post .post-thumbnail { float: left; height: 190px; margin: 5px; width: 300px; } .blog-archives .blog-post .post-thumbnail img { height: 190px; width: 300px; } .blog-archives .blog-post .post-review { display: block; float: left; margin: 165px 0 0 155px; position: absolute; width: 140px; z-index: 1; } .blog-archives .blog-post .content-right { float: right; width: 345px; } .blog-archives .blog-post .format-audio .post-icon, .blog-archives .blog-post .format-image .post-icon, .blog-archives .blog-post .format-gallery .post-icon, .blog-archives .blog-post .format-video .post-icon { background-size: 18px; padding-left: 28px; } .blog-archives .blog-post .entry-title { font-size: 16px; line-height: 21px; margin: 10px; text-align: center; } .blog-archives .blog-post .entry-title a { color: #444444; text-decoration: none; } .blog-archives .blog-post .entry-title a:hover { color: #233E5C; } .meta-info { font-size: 11px; line-height: 13px; margin: 10px; text-align: center; } .meta-info span { display: inline; padding-left: 19px; color: #777; } .meta-info .user-icon { background: url("images/user-icon.png") no-repeat; } .meta-info .post-date { background: url("images/calendar-icon.png") no-repeat; margin: 0 3px; } .meta-info .comment-icon { background: url("images/comment-icon.png") no-repeat; } .meta-info p { font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; margin: 10px 5px; text-align: left; } .meta-info span a { color: #777; text-decoration: none; } .meta-info span a:hover { text-decoration: none; } /** * 3.2 Magazine Style * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** Home-cat tabs Setting ***/ .home-cat.tabs-wrapper .tabs li a { margin: 0 5px; } html .home-cat.tabs-wrapper .tabs li.active, html .home-cat.tabs-wrapper .tabs li.active a:hover { background: #FF6600 !important; } html .home-cat.tabs-wrapper .tabs, html .home-cat.tabs-wrapper .tabs {background:#233E5C !important;} /*** Home-cat Setting ***/ #content .home-cat { margin-bottom: 25px; } #content .hc-title { /**background: #E5E5E5;**/ color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 0 5px 0; padding: 10px 0 9px; border-bottom:2px #233E5C solid; } #content .hc-title .cat-title { background:#233E5C; background-image: url("images/list-cat-light.png"); background-position: 5px 10px; background-repeat: no-repeat; color: #FFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight:700; padding: 10px 10px 10px 45px; } .home-cat.one .hc-title .cat-title { background-color: #6DD61B; } .home-cat.two .hc-title .cat-title { /*background-color: #233E5C;*/ } .home-cat.three .hc-title .cat-title { background-color: #F1CE12; } .home-cat.four .hc-title .cat-title { background-color: #6DD61B; } .home-cat.five .hc-title .cat-title { background-color: #DC5230; } #content .hc-title .rss-feeds { background: url("images/rss-feeds.png") no-repeat 0 2px; background-size: 18px; float: right; height: 24px; margin: 0 10px; width: 18px; } #content .hc-inner .post-title a { color: #444444; text-decoration: none; } #content .hc-inner .post-title a:hover { color: #233E5C; } .home-cat .hc-inner { background: #FFFFFF; border-bottom: 2px solid #E2E2E2; overflow: hidden; width: 660px; } .home-cat.one .hc-inner { border-bottom: 2px solid #E2E2E2; } .home-cat.two .hc-inner { border-bottom: 2px solid #E2E2E2; } .home-cat.three .hc-inner { border-bottom: 2px solid #E2E2E2; } .home-cat.four .hc-inner { border-bottom: 2px solid #E2E2E2; } .home-cat.five .hc-inner { border-bottom: 2px solid #E2E2E2;; } .home-cat .block-big { float: left; height: 200px; margin: 0 0 5px 0; overflow: hidden; width: 656px; } .post-icon { background-position: left; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .block-big .format-audio .post-icon, .block-big .format-image .post-icon, .block-big .format-gallery .post-icon, .block-big .format-video .post-icon { background-size: 18px; padding-left: 28px; } .format-audio .post-icon { display: inline; background-image: url("images/audio.png"); } .format-image .post-icon { display: inline; background-image: url("images/image.png"); } .format-gallery .post-icon { display: inline; background-image: url("images/gallery1.png"); } .format-video .post-icon { display: inline; background-image: url("images/video.png"); } .block-big .post-review { display: block; float: left; margin: 165px 0 0 155px; position: absolute; width: 140px; z-index: 1; } .block-big .block-content { float: right; width: 345px; } .home-cat .block-big .post-title { font-size: 16px; line-height: 21px; margin: 10px; text-align: center; } .home-cat .block-big .meta-info { font-size: 11px; line-height: 13px; margin: 10px; text-align: center; } .home-cat .block-small { float: left; max-height: 85px; margin: 0 0 10px 0; overflow: hidden; width: 328px; } .block-small .block-content { float: right; width: 218px; } .home-cat .block-small .post-title { font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px; margin: 10px 5px; } .block-small .format-audio .post-icon, .block-small .format-image .post-icon, .block-small .format-gallery .post-icon, .block-small .format-video .post-icon { background-size: 16px; padding-left: 20px; } .home-cat .block-small .meta-info { font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; margin: 5px 0; text-align: left; } .home-cat .block-small .meta-info .post-review span { float: left; padding: 0 15px 0 5px; } .home-cat .block-big.column { height: 100%; max-height: 390px; width: 326px; } .block-big.column .post-review { margin: -34px 0 0 172px; } .home-cat .block-big.column .block-content { width: 326px; height: 170px; float: none; } /*** Home-Cat Thumbnail Setting ***/ .home-cat .block-big .post-thumbnail { float: left; height: 190px; margin: 5px; width: 300px; } .home-cat .block-big .post-thumbnail img { height: 190px; width: 300px; } .home-cat .block-big .post-thumbnail.video iframe { height: 190px; } .home-cat .block-big.column .post-thumbnail { float: none; width: 315px; } .home-cat .block-big.column .post-thumbnail img { height: 190px; width: 315px; } .home-cat .block-small .post-thumbnail { float: left; height: 75px; margin: 5px; width: 100px; } .home-cat .block-small .post-thumbnail img { height: 75px; width: 100px; } /*** Home-Reviews Setting ***/ #content .hc-title .control-nav { float: right; margin: 2px 10px; } .control-nav ol li a { background: none; border: 1px solid #eee; height: 14px; width: 14px; } .control-nav ol li a.flex-active { background: #FFFFFF; } .hc-inner.slides { list-style: none; margin: 0 !important; } .hc-inner.slides li { margin: 0 0 5px -2px !important; } #content .home-cat.reviews .hc-title .cat-title { background-color: #A3A3A3; background-image: url("images/star.png"); background-position: 10px 8px; } .hc-inner .home.review-box { border: none; float: left; margin: 0; width: 660px; } .home.review-box .score-list { height: 99px; margin: 15px 30px 0 !important; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; padding: 0 15px; } /*** Slider Setting ***/ .homepage-slider { overflow: hidden; } #content .homepage-slider ul { list-style: none; margin: 0 0 0 0 ! important; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider ul li { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .post-title { background: #233E5C; color: #FFFFFF; float: left; opacity: 0.9 !important; bottom: 90px; margin: 0 !important; padding: 20px 10px; position: absolute; width: 333px; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .post-title h2 { line-height: 21px; margin: 0 !important; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .post-title a { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 17px; line-height: 22px; margin: 0; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .entry-content { background: #000000; bottom: 5px; color: #FFFFFF; float: left; opacity: 0.7 !important; padding: 10px 10px; position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 520px; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .entry-content p { font-size: 13px; margin: 0; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .entry-content p a { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; } #content .homepage-slider .flexslider .entry-content p a:hover { color: #233E5C; } /*** Carousel Posts Box ***/ .carousel-posts { margin-bottom: 25px; overflow: hidden; } /*.hc-title.carousel .cat-title { background-color: #F01247; } */ .carousel-posts-inner { background: #FFFFFF; border-bottom: 2px solid #233E5C; float: left; overflow: hidden; width: 660px; } .carousel-item { left:-320px; list-style: none !important; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px; padding-bottom:10px; position:relative; width:9999px; } .carousel-item li { float: left; height: 188px; margin: 5px 4px !important; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; width:300px; } .carousel-item li .post-thumbnail { height: 200px; margin: 5px; width: 190px; padding-top:65px; padding-left:120px; padding-right:10px; } .cat-19 { background: url("images/edinei.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-20 { background: url("images/erivelton.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-21 { background: url("images/ederson.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-22 { background: url("images/biluka.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-23 { background: url("images/giselle.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-24 { background: url("images/bianca.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-30 { background: url("images/carol.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-31 { background: url("images/uicanoinhas.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-215 { background: url("images/leonardotanaka.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-245 { background: url("images/drikahome.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-36 { background: url("images/adair.jpg") no-repeat; } .cat-249 { background: url("images/Helton.jpg") no-repeat; }.cat-251 { background: url("images/andre.jpg") no-repeat;} .carousel-item li .post-thumbnail img { cursor: pointer; height: 125px; width: 100px; } .carousel-posts .post-title { font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px; margin: 7px 5px; } .carousel-posts .block-content .post-title a{ font-size: 10px; line-height: 17px; margin-top: 60px; } #left_scroll { background: url(images/arrow-left.png) no-repeat; cursor: pointer; float: right; height: 16px; margin: 3px 10px 0 0; width: 16px; } #right_scroll { background: url(images/arrow-right.png) no-repeat; cursor: pointer; float: right; height: 16px; margin: 3px 15px 0 0; width: 16px; } /*** Page Navigation ***/ #post-pagination { display: block; float: left; margin: 10px 0 30px; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; } .pagination a, .pagination span { display: inline-block; float: left; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 21px; margin: 0 1px 0 0; padding: 7px 15px; text-align: center; } .pagination .arrows { background: none; float: none !important; padding: 0 !important; } .pagination a { background: #363839; border: 1px solid #d1d1d1; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; } .pagination a:hover, .pagination a:focus { background: #FFFFFF; color: #202020; text-decoration: none; } .pagination .current { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #d1d1d1; color: #202020; text-decoration: none; } /** * 3.3 Single Content * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #content .single-content-categorias{ border-bottom:2px #233E5C solid; } #content .single-content .top-image { display: block; height: 300px; overflow: hidden; width: 660px; } #content .single-content .top-image img { height: 400px; width: 660px; } #content .single-content .top-image.video iframe { height: 300px; } #content .single-content .entry-header { border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; color: #233E5C; margin: 0 0 20px 0; overflow: hidden; } #content .single-content .content-meta { float: left; width: 100%; } #content .single-content .content-meta a { color: #233E5C; } #content .single-content .content-meta .meta-left { float: left; font-size: 12px; padding: 8px 10px; 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font-size: 14px; margin-top: 5px; padding-top: 10px; text-align: left; } .total-score-box .total-score .score { float: right; } .score-list { list-style: none !important; margin: 15px 35px 0 !important; } .score-list li { margin: 0 0 10px 0 !important; } .score-list .score-per-criteria { float: right; } /**Post Gallery**/ .attachment .image-size.left { font-size: 13px; margin: 10px 0; padding: 5px 0; } .attachment .image-size.left a { background: url("images/size.png") no-repeat left; padding-left: 25px; } .attachment .return.right { font-size: 13px; margin: 10px 0; padding: 5px 0; } .attachment .return.right a { background: url("images/gallery.png") no-repeat left; padding-left: 25px; } .attachment .entry-caption { background: #F7F7F7; border: 1px solid #DDD; font-size: 17px; padding: 20px 0; text-align: center; } .attachment .entry-caption p { margin: 0; } .attachment .previous-image { float: left; } .attachment .next-image { float: right; } /***Post Settings***/ #content ul { margin-left: 45px; list-style: square outside none; } #content ul li { margin-bottom: 10px; } #content ol { list-style: decimal outside none; list-style-position: inside; } #content ol li { margin-bottom: 10px; } /**Post Tags**/ .post-tags { display: block; margin: 10px 0; overflow: hidden; } .post-tags a { background: #2B2929; color: #FFFFFF; display: inline-block; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 5px 10px 0; padding: 6px 8px; text-decoration: none; } .post-tags a:hover { background: #233E5C; } /**Social Buttons**/ .social-sharing { margin: 0 0 25px; overflow: hidden; } .social-sharing h4 { border-bottom: 5px solid #233E5C; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 8px 0; } .social-buttons { list-style: none !important; margin: 0 !important; } .social-buttons li { float: left; margin: 0 2px; } /**Author Box**/ .author-bio { border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; display: block; margin: 30px 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; width: 660px; } #author-avatar { float: left; margin: 0 15px 5px 0; padding: 4px 0 0 10px; } .author-title { background: #233E5C; color: #FFFFFF; display: block; font-size: 19px; line-height: 26px; margin: 0 0 15px 0; padding: 10px; } .author-title a { color: #FFFFFF; } #author-description { display: block; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 0 0 10px; } #author-social { display: block; margin: 5px 0 0 10px; } #author-social .author-social-icon { float: left; height: 32px; list-style: none; margin: 0 1px 1px; width: 32px; } /**Post Navigation**/ .post-navigation { margin: 0 0 20px; overflow: hidden; } .post-navigation .previous-post { float: left; max-width: 300px; margin: 10px 0; } .post-navigation .next-post { float: right; margin: 10px 0; max-width: 300px; } /**Related Posts**/ #content .related-posts { display: block; margin: 20px 0 0 0; overflow: hidden; } #content .related-posts .related-title { border-bottom: 5px solid #233E5C; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 8px 0; } #content .related-posts .related-title h4 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #content .related-posts ul { list-style: none; margin: 0 !important; } #content .related-posts ul li { float: left; margin: 0 20px 10px 0 !important; overflow: hidden; } #content .related-posts ul li:nth-child(2) { margin-right: 0 !important; } #content .related-posts ul li:last-child { margin-right: 0 !important; } #content .related-posts .related-item { border: 2px solid #f3f3f3; overflow: hidden; width: 316px; } #content .related-posts .post-thumbnail { float: left; height: 75px; margin: 5px; width: 100px; } #content .related-posts .post-thumbnail img { height: 75px; width: 100px; } #content .related-posts .content-items { float: right; height: 85px; width: 205px; } #content .related-posts h4.post-title { font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px; margin: 5px; } #content .related-posts h4.post-title a { color: #444444; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px; } #content .related-posts h4.post-title a:hover { color: #233E5C; } #content .related-posts .meta-info { font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; margin: 5px; text-align: left; } /*** Comments Setting ***/ #comments { margin: 25px 0 0 0; } #comments .comment-title h2 { border-bottom: 5px solid #233E5C; margin: 0 0 30px 0; padding: 5px; } .comment-header { background: #27343a; color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 0 30px 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 15px 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; position: relative; } .comment-header h3 { color: #FFFFFF; display: block; font-size: 24px; line-height: 28px; margin: 0 0 0 0; } .comment-header h3 a { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 24px; line-height: 28px; text-decoration: none; } .comment-header h3 a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; } .comment-header ul { color: #7E7E75; display: block; font-size: 14px; float: right; line-height: 32px; } .comment-header ul li a { -webkit-border-radius: 20px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; color: #FFFFFF; float: left; padding: 6px 16px; text-decoration: none; } .comment-header ul li a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .commentlist { list-style: none ! important; margin: 0 ! important; } .comment .vcard { float: left; margin: 0 25px 10px 0; overflow: hidden; } .comment { font-size: 16px; line-height: 22px; margin: 0 0 25px 0; } .bypostauthor { } .comment-meta { display: block; font-family: "Open Sans","Tahoma","Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; line-height: 13px; } .comment-meta .fn { color: #444444; display: block; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; line-height: 13px; } .comment-meta time { display: inline-block; color: #A5A5A5; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; line-height: 22px; } .comment-edit-link { display: inline; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; line-height: 24px; } .comment-edit-link { color: #233E5C; } #allowed_tags, .comment p { color: #474646; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px; } .comment .children { background: #F9F9F9; margin: 15px 0 20px 30px !important; padding: 10px; } .comment .children li { list-style: none outside none; margin: 0; } .comment .children .vcard { height: 55px; width: 55px; } #comments-navigation .previous { float: left; } #comments-navigation .next { float: right; } #respond { margin: 50px 0 40px 0; } #respond h3 { font-size: 30px; line-height: 34px; margin: 0 0 20px 0; } form label { font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; margin: 5px 0 3px 0; } form label.comment-field { display: block; } #respond .required { color: #FF0000; } .comment-form-author { float: left; margin: 0 70px 0 0; } #respond input { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #444444; display: block; font-family: "Open Sans","Tahoma","Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px; width: 267px; } #respond p.respond_desc { font-size: 12px !important; } #respond input#url { margin-right: 0; width: 95%; } #respond textarea { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #444444; font-family: "Open Sans","Tahoma","Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 14px; height: 230px; margin-top: 2px; padding: 11px; } .form-allowed-tags { display: none; } #respond #submit { background: #233E5C; border: none; color: #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-size: 15px; line-height: 24px; margin: 0; padding: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; } #respond #submit:hover, #respond #submit:focus, #respond #submit:active { margin: 0; opacity: 0.8; } .commentlist #respond { margin: 50px 0 50px 45px; } #submit { background: #233E5C; border: none; color: #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-size: 15px; line-height: 21px; margin: 0; padding: 5px 10px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 80px; } #submit:hover { opacity: 0.9; } /** * 3.4 Page Setting * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /***Archives pages***/ .page-header { border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; margin-bottom: 20px; } .page-header .page-title { font-size: 11px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0; } .author-bio.archive { margin: 0 0 30px; } .page-content .entry-header { background: #E6E6E6; margin-bottom: 20px; overflow: hidden; padding: 10px 10px; } .page-content .entry-header .entry-title { border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; font-size: 30px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; } .page-content .entry-header .meta-info { font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; overflow: hidden; } /*** Full Width ***/ #content.full-width { border-right: none; padding-right: 0; width: 1200px; } /**Contact Page**/ .map { margin-bottom: 15px; } .map iframe { height: 350px; } .content-half.left { float: left; margin-right: 10px; width: 48%; } .contact-field { margin-bottom: 15px; } .contact-field .required { color: #FF0000; margin: 0 3px; } .contact-field .field.left { margin: 0 70px 0 0; } .contact-field input { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #444444; display: block; font-family: "Open Sans","Tahoma","Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px; width: 267px; } .contact-field label { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; margin: 3px 0px; } .contact-field.centre { overflow: hidden; width: 100%; } .contact-field textarea { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #444444; display: block; font-family: "Open Sans","Tahoma","Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 14px; height: 230px; margin-top: 2px; padding: 11px; } .content-half.right { width: 50%; } /*** Archives ***/ .blog-archives .page-title { background: #f5f5f5; border-right: 5px solid; float: left; padding: 13px 15px; } .archive-lists span { display: block; text-align: right; } .archive-lists ul { border-bottom: 1px solid #EAEAEA; clear: both; list-style: none; margin: 0 0 40px 0; } .archive-lists ul li { border-top: 1px solid #EAEAEA; display: block; margin-bottom: 0; } .archive-lists ul li a { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 10px 0; text-decoration: none; } .archive-lists ul li a:hover { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline; } .archive-lists span.comments_number { color: #808080; float: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; width: 50px; } /** * 4. Sidebar * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #sidebar-left { float: left; margin: 0 20px 0 0; width: 200px; } #sidebar-right { float: right; margin: 0 0 0 20px; padding: 0; width: 300px; } /*** Search Box ***/ #searchform { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 10px; width: 278px; } #search-icon { float: right; height: 18px; padding: 3px; width: 18px; } #searchform input[type='submit'] { display: none; } #searchform input[type='text'] { border: 0; color: #444444; font-family: "Open Sans","Tahoma","Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding-right: 75px; } /*** Left sidebar setting ***/ #sidebar-left #searchform { width: 178px; } #sidebar-left #searchform input[type='text'] { padding-right: 0; } #sidebar-left #search-icon { padding: 3px 0; } /*** Default Widgets Setting ***/ .sidebar-widget { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.07); -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.07); 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top: 0; } .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .post-thumbnail { height: 240px; width: 300px; } .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .post-thumbnail img { height: 240px; width: 300px; } .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .carousel-post-title { background: rgba(18, 196, 240, 0.88); bottom: 0; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 20px 10px; position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 280px; } .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .carousel-post-title a { color: #FFFFFF; } /**For left sidebar**/ #sidebar-left .slider { height: 200px; width: 200px; } #sidebar-left .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .post-thumbnail { height: 200px; width: 200px; } #sidebar-left .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .post-thumbnail img { height: 200px; width: 200px; } #sidebar-left .slider.sidebar-carousel-posts .carousel-post-title { font-size: 13px; padding: 8px 5px; width: 190px; } /*** Default RecentPost Widget ***/ .widget_recent_entries ul li { margin: 5px 0; } .widget_recent_entries ul li a { font-size: 13px; } /*** Subscribe Widget ***/ .piethemes_subscribe_widget p { font-size: 13px; margin: 10px; } form.widget_rss_subscription { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0; } .widget_rss_subscription input[type=text] { border: 1px solid #ddd; display: block; float: left; font-size: 13px !important; margin: 0 10px 10px; padding: 11px 11px; width: 255px; } .piethemes_subscribe_widget .button { background: #233E5C; border: none; color: #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-family: inherit; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; margin: 0 10px 10px; padding: 11px 11px; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; } /*** Tag Cloud ***/ .tagcloud a { background: #2B2929; color: #FFFFFF; display: inline-block; font-size: 13px ! important; line-height: 20px; margin: 0 -10px 2px 8px; padding: 6px 8px; text-decoration: none; } .tagcloud a:hover { background: #233E5C; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; } /*** About Widget ***/ .piethemes_about_widget .about-image { display: block; float: left; padding: 0 10px; } .piethemes_about_widget p { font-size: 13px; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 10px 10px; } /*** Flickr ***/ .flickr_badge_image { float: left; height: 56px; margin: 0 2px 2px 0; padding: 1px; width: 56px; } .flickr_badge_image img { height: 56px; width: 56px; } .flickr_badge_image img:hover { opacity: .8; } /*Left Sidebar Flickr*/ #sidebar-left .flickr-photos { margin: 0 10px; } /*** Facebook Widget ***/ .sidebar-widget.piethemes_facebook_widget { -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } /*** Google Widget ***/ .sidebar-widget.piethemes_google_widget { -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } /*** Contact Widget ***/ .contact-details { padding: 0 20px; } .contact-details p { font-size: 13px; margin: 0; padding: 2px 0 2px 27px; } .contact-details .address, .contact-details .phone, .contact-details .email { padding: 10px 0; } .contact-details .heading { background-repeat: no-repeat; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 16px; padding: 0 0 0 25px; } .contact-details .address .heading { background-image: url("images/map-marker.png"); 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